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Political Perspectives on Nature

Sustainable Electoral Guide: this is how the political parties think about managing and restoring our nature.


Nature is not doing well in other countries. Not only do we have relatively little nature, only 15% of our country consists of nature, but our nature is also getting poorer.

Our plants are also affected by climate change and the nitrogen crisis in our country. In the other countries, 118 of the 160 protected nature areas suffer from an excess of nitrogen. Especially the heather is affected by this. Due to the high concentration of nitrogen in the soil, fast-growing grasses, shrubs and trees displace the heather plants and flowery herbs. As a result, insects and birds have less to eat. In this way our nature is becoming increasingly sparse.

This is a drastic and worrying development. A rich nature with a lot of biodiversity is a vital condition for people. It provides the clean air, drinking water, food and medicine. And especially during the lockdown, we notice again how nice it is to go outside for a walk in the woods or through the dunes. Nature also helps us relax.

Fortunately, the government can do a lot to restore our nature. That is why we asked the parties what they think about the green standard used by the United Nations. This standard of 48m 2 nature per inhabitant is seen by the UN as the minimum to allow people to live a healthy and pleasant life.

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CDA: Disagree
“The CDA is in favor of a green standard, but is of the opinion it cannot be achieved if we already commit ourselves to having that standard be exactly 48 m2 per inhabitant” Research must show whether a inner-city green standard can contribute to the quality of life in the city, CDA says.

ChristenUnie: Agree
” The ChristenUnie is committed to more nature and connections between nature areas, at least 10% more forest and, in addition, nature-inclusive construction with enough space for inner-city greenery.”

D66: We don’t make a statement about it
“D66 wants to create a lot of new nature, better protect existing nature and solve the nitrogen problem” It is unclear how big the effect will be on the green standard in urban areas.”

GroenLinks: Agree
The party has not given any further explanation on this.

PvdA: Agree
” People must be able to enjoy beautiful nature. Our ambition is at least 50,000 hectares extra nature in 2027.”

PvdD: Agree
“The Party for the Animals calls for a minimum of 50m2 of high-quality nature per inhabitant. More green space is of vital importance. We want a healthy and green living environment, where people can live together comfortably in affordable homes in spacious green neighborhoods.”

SP: Agree
“The SP wants to plant an extra tree for every person, which will make the landscape greener and the Netherlands will make a substantial contribution to a better climate. Nature areas will be interconnected and we will ensure a significant expansion of nature, also in the sea.”

VVD: We are not making a statement about it
” In the coming years, substantial investments will be made in nature restoration. In addition, there will be an increasing focus on green in the city. The VVD considers it important to pay attention to the green experience of residents, instead of just focusing on a fixed number of m2.”

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