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Political Documentaries You Shouldn’t Miss

Politics is a big NO to many of us. It’s a very sensitive topic that many don’t want to be engaged with. However, it is something that everyone cannot avoid. In this list of documentaries we highlight the most interesting and balanced films, and who knows, maybe your opinion about politics will turn 180 degrees.

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Best Political Documentaries To Watch

The European

The European Union was founded with the Maastricht Treaty, now 25 years ago. After lengthy negotiations, the member states relinquish part of their power to Brussels. It is this step that, as early as 1992, created a fault line between supporters and opponents of European cooperation. Misja Pekel seeks answers to questions in the documentary De European. Why did the politicians of that time want to create a Union so quickly? What were their motives? And was their ‘European dream’ really alive among the population?

Piketty: Capital in the twenty-first century

The Netherlands has about a quarter of a million young people on Wajong benefits. Such as Niels. He works for less than a minimum wage and without the prospect of permanent employment. In the 2Doc Makers van Morgen documentary Niels it becomes clear how Niels moves in the midst of a complex construction of employer, secondment agency, and government. He is constantly sent from pillar to post and gets more and more discouraged. How can he ever get out of this maze?

Heart of democracy

In the building where our democracy is exercised daily, the decay is visible behind the beautiful tapestries. Renovation is, therefore, more than necessary, does this also apply to our democracy?

In this documentary, directors Suzanne Raes and Liesbeth Witteman investigate the controversial gap between citizens and politics. The journalistic protagonists, the experienced Kees Boonman and the new political reporter Charlotte Nijs, move through the building in their own way. As a viewer, you can also look at current events through their eyes, which results in fascinating differences.

Sylvana, the demon of diva

Sylvana Simons was once a VJ at music channel TMF. Now she heads the political party BIJ1. In her fight for an equal world, she speaks out against injustice in society. This leads to strong reactions and even death threats. Director Ingeborg Jansen follows Sylvana for her documentary Sylvana, demon or diva during the municipal elections, where she bites off. She also shows her vulnerable side, on the couch with her coach and in front of her richly stocked wardrobe.
