The creator of the Web is Dr. Tim Berners-Lee, an Englishman. He invented the WWW (World Wide Web), which is the most important system on the Internet. It seems to be remembered that it appeared as a big bird at the opening ceremony at the 2012 London Olympics.
Tim was enrolled at CERN, a world-famous research institute in Switzerland. CERN is called the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Japanese and is focusing on physical research on particle physics. It is an institution that takes a very long time to carry out research, so it seems that thousands and tens of thousands of researchers are taking turns conducting research.
Therefore, at CERN, there was a talk about whether it would be possible to develop a system that facilitates the browsing of information and data by such researchers, and it was Tim, who was enrolled at CERN as a computer engineer at the time, who moved to realize this. It was Berners-Lee. Tim gathered research-related literature and data on one computer anyway. Then, we planned and realized a mechanism to “link” the documents like Youtube mp3. This is the beginning of the World Wide Web, the so-called Web, that we still use.
Tim seems to have been very worried about what the name would be when he announced the system. For example, it seems that there was a candidate called “The Information Mine”. This is the acronym “TIM”, isn’t it? As expected it is too selfish! It was later told on his website that he stopped thinking.
Another candidate was “Mesh”, which means “stitch” because it is an “information network that connects documents”, but this is “Mess”, which means “confused”. It seems that he stopped because he misunderstood the word. “World Wide Mesh” = “global turmoil” is something we want to avoid. He was worried about it and named it the “World Wide Web (WWW)” because the information network that spreads all over the world looks like a “spider web”. The Web part of the word website, which we take for granted, was born from Tim’s inspiration.
On August 6, 1991, Tim launched the world’s first website. In general, it seems that this day is often the birthday of the Web. When Tim announced the Web, the main feature was the mechanism for connecting documents called “HyperText”. Hypertext, as the name implies, is “amazing characters.” It’s now commonplace, but there is a so-called “link” function that takes you to another web page when you click on a letter. Documents that have that function were called “hypertext.” The original purpose of Tim’s inventor of the Web (site) was to connect researcher data and literature with each other. Tim named the convention for creating those websites “HTML, an acronym for HyperText Markup Language. Tim really has a great sense of naming.