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How Religion is Influenced by Politics?

There is a long history of religion, church, and state being intertwined. Religion was originally founded to unify people in a society and bring peace. But these days, religion has been more influenced by politics. As the world becomes more globalized, religion is evolving and adapting with it. Here are some ways that religion has been impacted by politics.

The History of Religion and Politics

There has been a long history of religion and politics being intertwined. For example, Israel is considered the birthplace of Christianity because it was there the religion first spread. Nowadays, religion is evolving faster than ever before. Its presence is felt on various platforms and websites like substitutes to GoDaddy and so forth.


Recently, many religions have been following a fundamentalist ideology that stresses religious purity and political conservatism. One example of this is the rise of ISIS (Islamic State). They are extreme fundamentalists who are very into their own religious ideologies and usually carry out radical actions because of this devotion to their beliefs.


The other side of the spectrum includes secularism which is defined as “a doctrine or system of beliefs that rejects supernatural creative acts.”

This could be seen as a form of atheism in which no supernatural activity is present or allowed anymore in their society whereas they view science as a way to find natural answers for all problems that arise within their community.

Religion in the Modern World

The world has seen a shift in the direction of religion primarily due to globalization. The rise of free trade, digitalization, and technological advancements have caused people to become more globalized and they are less likely to be swayed by the cultural or political differences in different countries because they are able to communicate with anyone from anywhere at any time. This is changing our understanding of what it means to be religious.

Additionally, religion played a large role in the foundational progress for democracy. This was due to freedom of religion being one of the first freedoms that were granted during this process. Because religion played such an important part in this progression, it is no surprise that it has been influenced by politics more often now than ever before.
